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Leftover Turkeys?

Tuesday, Dec. 02, 2008 3:57 AM

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush thinks the answer to the Obama Administration is for the GOP to create its own 'shadow government' to address the issues.

I hate to tell you, Jeb, but the mess the Obama Administration has to clean up is the one your brother made.

Speaking of which, George W. Bush admits in an interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson that he wasn't prepared for war and regrets the 'flawed intelligence' that led to Iraq.

What happened to the Responsibility Era, where we're responsible for what we do and what we say? I guess you were as prepared for that as you were for being the 'War President.'

Both an Alaskan newspaper and a leading Democrat in the state are asking the sensible question, "Why is Sarah Palin campaigning in Georgia for Saxby Chambliss, instead of doing her job?"

And why is she still wearing the same clothes that she wore during her run at the vice-presidency? Weren't those supposed to be donated to charity or given back to the GOP?

For that matter, why is she basically using the same stump speech, only swapping out John McCain's name for Saxby Chambliss'?

Oh, the new line being floated by the conservative religious types (led by none other than former Arkansas Governor and presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee) is that the recently-passed Proposition 8 is not a ban on gay marriage, it's an affirmation of traditional marriage.


Let's call it what it is, religious bigotry and lies.

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