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Can't Stop The Factor?

Monday, Jan. 07, 2008 3:47 AM

Nothing says 'high class' like calling a campaign staffer an SOB and 'low class.' Which is precisely what FOX News' Bill O'Reilly did in New Hampshire to a member of Barack Obama's campaign staff.

Marvin Nicholson says O'Reilly attempted to shove him out of the way, and then launched into his tirade, which was vocal enough to draw the attention of Obama's Secret Service escort. While O'Reilly admitted that he 'might have' called Nicholson an SOB, he denied doing anything other than 'gently' trying to move Nicholson aside to get Senator Obama's attention, and later attested on FOX that 'nobody blocks the Factor'.

Hillary Clinton's strategy appears to be out-changing Barack Obama. In Saturday's debate among Democratic candidates, Clinton kept trying to establish her credentials as being All About Change, and having been All About Change For Thirty-Five Years.

But perhaps Hillary needs to work on establishing her character, as she alternated between a scowl and a smirk (depending on whether she was being contradicted or felt her position was the superior one). These kind of facial expressions are the ones that told me George W. Bush was going to be a train wreck if he got elected, and which many members of his administration share.

And that's in addition to Hillary trying to re-invent herself by insisting she would never have taken us to war in Iraq after 9/11.

Despite, of course, having voted for the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

From the How Touching Department - "Dr. Phil" spent an hour of quality time with Britney Spears (at the request of her family), only to make the astounding observation that Ms. Spears has some serious physical and psychological issues and needs help.

Ya think?

(Doctors at Cedars-Sinai apparently placed Spears in the '5150' ward, which puts the pop diva in a whole new category beyond 'drunken slag' and 'unfit mother.')

The Ministry has received 2 comment(s) on this topic.

abby - 2008-01-07 09:45:55
How insightful of Dr. Phil! Where is his medical degree from again? The Land of Make Believe?

Brin - 2008-01-07 12:12:27
Dr.Phil is Oprah Winfrey's Frankenstein monster. She has to reap what she's sewn, and if his interference in the Spears case causes Britney to take her own life, OW's hands will be bloodied as well as PMs.