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The Long Slog To November

Friday, Jan. 04, 2008 4:04 AM

The Iowa Caucus is done and over, with Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee taking the Republican side (followed by Gov. Mitt Romney and the seemingly comatose former Senator Fred Thompson), and Senator Barack Obama capturing the Democratic nod.

'Inevitable Hillary' wound up in third place, behind former Senator John Edwards. But don't look for the media pundits who spent the last year telling us what a powerhouse she was to admit any failings of insight or predictive ability. They're already musing about how Hillary has to 'change her message,' and how Obama has to 'sustain his momentum.'

Senators Joe Biden and Chris Dodd have formally announced the end of their respective campaigns. Dodd's exit is a real loss, as he's been one of the few candidates taking a hard stand on key constitutional issues. (And Senator Harry Reid is a spineless shill for trying to do an end-run around him on the Senate floor.)

I guess it's nice to have powerful friends.

Which must be why former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert paid $147,000 of legal fees pertaining to the Congressman Mark Foley / Congressional Page scandal out of his own re-election campaign funds ...

It'll be at least six weeks before elections are held in Pakistan, according to Pakistan's government.

In the meantime, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is calling for Musharraf to step down as president.

Funny how excuses to postpone things keep cropping up ...

Online shoppers who joined Sears' 'My SHC Community' may have gotten a little more than they bargained for, in the form of spyware.

Only it's spyware installed by Sears itself. The spyware package is reported to monitor all internet activity on the infected system, as well as secure sessions (often online shopping or banking services), and headers to personal emails.

The second of an expected three major storms is just sweeping into the Bay Area. Heavy rains and possible flooding are expected in Northern California, while there are concerns in Southern California over the potential for mudslides in the areas denuded by last year's wildfires.

While 'Pop Star Implosion' sounds like a bad concert promotion line, it's turning out to be the reality for Britney Spears, who was taken into police custody after refusing to relinquish her custody of her children as directed by the court.

It took three hours for police to resolve the issue, and Spears is listed as having been under the influence of an 'unknown substance.'

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