The Ministry of Shadows

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Illegal Spying Is A Crime

Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007 4:39 AM

As Congress considers rolling over on the new, improved version of FISA as expressed in the Protecting America Act, we not only have a former Qwest CEO spilling the beans on NSA data collection and wiretapping well in advance of 9/11, we have Verizon admitting they also handed information over to the government, taking claims of urgent necessity at face value - despite the fact that the law simply does not work that way.

And for those of you who may still find concerns over Mr. Bush's savaging of the law and the Constitution a bit far afield, take a look at the draft report of several prominent security researchers (via Bruce Schneier's Security Blog).

Wouldn't it be nice if 'protecting America' really meant doing so?

And, with the revelation that this perfidy has been in the works well before 9/11, can we finally get around to impeaching these criminals?

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-10-16 07:46:35
Don't forget to wear clothespins on your ankles so your pant legs don't get caught in the chain!!