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RIP: Bill Walsh

Monday, Jul. 30, 2007 7:14 PM

Two recent passings:

� SF 49ers Coach Bill Walsh, who lost his battle with leukemia.

� Film director Ingmar Bergman.

- News and late night talk show personality Tom Snyder.

- Baseball's Bill Robinson.

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is said to have suffered a minor seizure while at his vaction home.

And, gosh, what a surprise. The story about 'terrorist dry runs' is turning up to be 100% Grade-A Double-Large Super-Fine Bullshit.

All of the cited incidents have been established to be perfectly mundane, though a federal agent did ask 66-year-old Sarah Weiss if she 'knew Osama bin Laden.' (Either that's a really crappy attempt at being funny, or the agent was dead serious. When I start hearing about elderly white women showing up at mosques to convert to Islam, maybe I'll be a bit more worried.)

It wasn't really a gut feeling that told Michael Chertoff that terrorists might strike again, and soon ��it was the cheese rarebit.

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