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Sign Here, It's Okay

Friday, May. 18, 2007 1:53 PM

When former Assistant Attorney General James Comey testified about how Andrew Card and Alberto Gonzales popped into John Ashcroft's hospital room to ask the heavily medicated official to sign an authorization about a secret program, the logical conclusion is that it pertained to President Bush's illegal program of warrantless wiretaps.

But it's been suggested that it's more than that. After all, it's not like the Bush Administration has had a long and loving relationship with the law. So what aspect of the program could have been so urgent, so important as to require the hospital visit? What was so devastating as to have senior Justice Department officials at the time ready to walk out the door?

Don't ask Alberto, he doesn't remember.

Okay, so the Bush Administration picks Paul Wolfowitz to be head of the World Bank. Wolfie then gets caught in a pay-to-play scandal with his girlfriend, denies that he did anything wrong, blames everyone else for his problems (including said girlfriend), and finally resigns before they throw his worthless, lying ass out the door.

And, whaddya know, the Bush Administration gets to pick his replacement.

How does that make sense?

President Bush is also opposed to an extra half-percent raise for our men and women in the armed forces. But he supports the troops. Doesn't want to give them more than a 3% raise, but he supports them. Doesn't want to give a $40 survivor's benefit, either.

Attention, Democrats. Don't back off of the timetable issue, please. Push it for all it's worth. Make the War President justify his continued idiocy. Make him veto the funding again and again and again � and give reasons why.

At some point, the willingness to work with the President must be acknowledged as unproductive, and the President exposed as the petulant, incompetent bumbler that he has always been.

Earlier this month, Sen. Sam Brownback was on the campaign trail in Wisconsin and got his football metaphor wrong.

"This is your line in football. If you don't have a line, how many passes can Peyton Manning complete? Greatest quarterback, maybe, in NFL history," Brownback said.

In Wisconsin, the faithful worship at the temple of Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers.

And speaking of dumb statements, Rush Limbaugh really knocked one out of the park. Referring to Tuesday's Republican presidential debate, Limbaugh complained that Republicans were unfairly grilled over why there were no women and minorities on stage.

"You know, the Democrats never get those kinds of questions because it's always assumed that they're fair and just, and not discriminatory and all that," Rush opined.

Could it be because the field of candidates at the Democrats' first debate included a woman (Hillary Rodham Clinton), an African American (Barack Obama), and a Latino (Bill Richardson)?

And one need only look in the mirror, Rush, to find the idiot who sang, "Barack the Magic Negro," and all that.

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