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Farewell, Falwell

Wednesday, May. 16, 2007 11:40 AM

As was noted in yesterday's entry, "Moral Majority" founder Rev. Jerry Falwell died of what was likely a heart attack.

I don't have many charitable thoughts about the man. I personally feel his faith was built around self-aggrandizement and narrow hatreds. I mean, come on ��blustering about the evils of the TeleTubbies because TinkyWinky carried a pink purse, And We All Know What That Means?

Or sitting there with a smug expression with Pat Robertson, and while Americans are coming together to cope with 9/11, blaming the gays, the liberals, the secularists, and all of their favorite boogeymen because, somehow, Osama bin Laden was more concerned about Gay Pride Day than corporations like Halliburton and Royal Dutch Shell prostituting themselves for oil.

Wherever ol' Jerry has gotten off to, I hope he likes it.

(Newt Gingrich is scheduled to deliver the commencment address at Liberty University this weekend. That should be interesting.)

And speaking of pretentious windbags hiding behind religion, why the fuck is George W. Bush meeting with evangelical leaders about Iran?

Dr. James Dobson mentioned the presidential tete-a-tete in his weekly radio message, and also praised the country's leadership as being willing to do whatever it takes to deal with Iran.

Add that to Vice President Cheney's primping about the presence of two carrier strike groups in the Persian Gulf, and it seems two mismanaged wars aren't enough for this band of thieves. Gotta have a three-peat, it seems.

The finger-pointing in the U.S. attorney firing scandal continues, along with Alberto Gonzales' cluelessness. It was Harriet Miers. It was Kyle Sampson, It was Monica Goodling. It was Karl Rove (oops, we lost the e-mails).

Now it's Paul McNulty.

James Comey's testimony was also enlightening, particularly the bit where Andy Card and Alberto Gonzales went to harass John Ashcroft in his hospital room as he was recovering from surgery, to wrest approval for some program that was so radical it had to be kept secret.

Like warrantless, domestic spying.

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