The Ministry of Shadows

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The Fast And The Flammable �

Monday, Apr. 30, 2007 8:42 AM

It's not like there needs to be a reason for the $4.00 gallon of gasoline, but I'm sure this will suffice: early Sunday morning, the driver of a tanker truck carrying 8,600 gallons of unleaded gasoline overturned his truck while transiting a ramp connecting Interstate 80 West to Interstate 880 South.

Said truck and its contents caught fire, and the resulting heat was sufficient to melt the steam beams underpinning the roadway above. Aforementioned roadway � the ramp connecting Interstate 80 East to Interstate 580 East � collapses.

And it happens to be part of the criss-crossing, multi-level section of freeway known as the MacArthur Maze, a lynchpin of the daily commute nightmare.

A CalTrans spokesperson, sounding remarkably like someone from the Bush Administration, stated that repairs could take months, not days or weeks.

CHP has determined that the driver, who remains hospitalized with second-degree burns, was driving too fast.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-04-30 13:45:33
But Rosie O says steel beams don't melt! It was obviously a conspiracy!! ... in all seriousness, though, this truck company has been in trouble before for speeding / problem drivers. This essentially seals their fate. They as good as don't exist anymore, and after the offices are torn down, the ground will be seeded with salt. There's no excuse for what happened.