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Monday Madness

Monday, Jul. 19, 2010 3:49 AM

While the cap appears to be holding, the problems stemming from the Deepwater Horizon well failure will be with us for years to come.

We're not just talking about the environmental damage, but about whether or not the well should be sealed permanently ... or allowed to be leased in the future. If yes, then we need strict and effective regulation; if no, then we need to monitor the site for continued problems, as the cap is a stop-gap measure which the completion of relief wells (slated for mid-August) may not even be enough to add the necessary measure of safety and confidence that the well is closed.

Soviet politicians must be laughing their arses off as we continue to try and spin our way to victory in Afghanistan.

We've been fighting two wars, one of them for close to a decade. It's grinding our military to a dull edge and destroying our economy.

Are there less terrorists or terrorist threats? Not to hear it from the folks in Washington, D.C. ... so are we faced with such an enormous, powerful enemy that we're largely impotent, or have we been going about this in the wrong way?

So Mark Williams, the erstwhile spokesman for the Tea Party, decided to answer the NAACP's call for the Tea Party to denounce its racist elements by accusing the NAACP of being racist themselves.

The Tea Party leadership has apparently disavowed Williams as not being connected with them, even though he's been listed as an official spokesman on at least one website.

Meanwhile, the resident crazy lady of Congress, Rep. Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota, has nominated herself to head up the official Tea Party Caucus in the House.

Rand Paul is saying he'll lead the Tea Party in the Senate, though there's the small problem of his not actually being a senator yet.

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