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Smackdown Millionaire?

Tuesday, Feb. 02, 2010 4:02 AM

Millionaire candidate for California governor Steve Poizner has revealed an e-mail in which millionaire candidate for California governor Meg Whitman apparently said some not-so-nice things about her opponent as well as suggesting he pick a different office to buy.

One millionaire slagging another millionaire. Cry me a river.

At this rate, we might as well turn the election into a reality-tv show. Weekly challenges can be balancing the budget, fixing education, reigning in deficit spending ...

Nah, people would never watch.

But do yourselves a favor. Don't mistake million-dollar campaign budgets for good ideas and sound principles.

It was my understanding that the judge had issued a gag order pertaining to the case of 'journalist' James O'Keefe.

Yet O'Keefe made an appearance on Sean Hannity's show last night, insisting that the truth will out, etc. - but also admitted that he and his accomplices posed as phone company employees, because that's what intrepid journalists do to get the story.

I don't ever recall Mike Wallace playing dress-up.

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