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A Liar Is A Liar

Thursday, Aug. 20, 2009 4:08 AM

There's another loss to the CBS family with the passing of Don Hewitt, the creator of 60 Minutes.

It turns out several of the folks who showed up toting guns outside the VFW Convention at which President Obama was speaking were part of a publicity stunt, apparently to promote Libertarian views.

Right. The 2nd Amendment is all about carrying your guns in public to promote your political views.

Jesus with a jetpack, these people are idiots.

Nevada Senator John Ensign says his extramarital affair is different from that of former President Bill Clinton, because he (Ensign) did nothing 'legally wrong.'

It's all about Clinton having lied under oath.

So, up to that point, there was nothing wrong with Bill Clinton having an affair?

I just want to be sure I understand the finer legal points of adultery.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Wyatt - 2009-08-20 12:54:06
I have tried to justify the adultery that same way as John Ensign, but I just can't. I wonder why so many politicians think adultery is okay. Maybe they are just sorry they get caught and try to justify it.