The Ministry of Shadows

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What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

Beware of Asteroids
Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2011


FirstGov Portal

Legislative Database

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Bruce Schneier

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You Are Dumb

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Comfortably Dumb?

Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2009 4:09 AM

It used to be that net stupidity was largely chain letters and hoaxes about urban gangs following you home to kill you if you flashed your headlights at them on the freeway, or what Jane Fonda did and didn't do in collusion with the VietCong.

It's spreading. The topics now include
how proposed healthcare legislation is socialized medicine and going to involve government panels ruling on whether grandma gets treatment or not, and how the latest gun control measure is step one in 'Obama Taking Away Our Guns.'

Never mind that the 'death panel' scare tactic has been debunked. Never mind that HR 45 was proposed before Obama ever took the oath of office.

Goddamn it, people! WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Do some research. Think! Don't just take what's been passed on by a friend of a friend of a relative of a friend as gospel truth, no matter how many white lab coats are featured.

Use Snopes, or the Urban Legends page at Visit the THOMAS Legislative Database operated by the Library of Congress, which features proposed legislation and lists each bill's status.

Learn to recognize the buzzwords and catchphrases. "Pass this on to everyone you know" is still a strong indication that a letter is a hoax or misrepresentation.

It's clear idiots flock together. Like the dozen or so people carrying firearms - including semi-automatic rifles - at a protest outside a Veterans of Foreign Wars convention where President Obama was speaking.

What the fuck does toting your phallic surrogate around in public have to do with healthcare reform?

I mean, seriously, if the right to bear arms means 'run around like gang-banging dickheads waving my rod,' I'm all for stricter laws.

If a police officer were to demand that you surrender your firearm, would you refuse? Or are you going to go all Chuck Norris on the police? Do you understand that all a cop has to do is believe that you are prepared to throw down on him, and he can shoot your ass if you twitch the wrong way?

No post tomorrow, taking another class tonight and using tomorrow to recover.

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