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Parable of the Talents?

Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2008 3:41 AM

Such a class act, that George W. Bush. While meeting with Philippine President Gloria Arroyo, Mr. Bush remarked, "I am reminded of the great talent of the - of our Philippine-Americans when I eat dinner at the White House."

I guess Phillipine-Americans like Major General Antonio Taguba aren't in favor because of his recent remarks that the Bush Administration is guilty of war crimes.

And if Don Imus gets slammed for pointing out a football player's race, why is it that patronizing remarks by Mr. Bush get a free pass?

The Office of Professional Responsibility at the Department of Justice has determined that hirings during the Bush Administration have been made on the basis of political affiliation, rather than merit.

What? Rank partisanship within the Bush Administration? I'm shocked!

From the Way to Elevate the Discussion Department, we have Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson, whose criticism of Barack Obama does not address issues of biblical interpretation, but ladles out insults like 'lowest common denominator morality' and 'fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution.'

It's almost laughable to see Senator Barbara Boxer writing for the Huffington Post about how revised FISA legislation (now with telecom immunity) is an affront to the Constitution, and how vital it is for us to all stand up and be counted.

Boxer voted for the USA PATRIOT Act, and is listed as not voting on the Protect America Act. And, of course, the 'compromise' that put the telecom immunity clause back in play was shepherded by Majority Whip Steny Hoyer.

Those aren't just Republican footprints all over the Constitution, Senator.

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