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Dodd Defeats FISA Bill

Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007 12:50 AM

Among other things, Congressman Steve King's H.R. 847 was apparently a response to other members of Congress voting to recognize Ramadan, but not Christmas.

It's a pity, then, that Congressman King failed to show up for the vote on his own resolution. (Neither did co-sponsor Jeff Miller of Florida.)

Let's stop pretending this is about Christianity, honoring the birth of Jesus Christ, or even being a Christian nation, shall we?

And thank you to Senator Chris Dodd, whose filibuster on the 'new and improved' FISA legislation that included amnesty for telecommunications companies kept the bill off the floor, at least until January.

Dodd says he'll filibuster again if the bill comes back to the floor with telecom amnesty still attached.

Sen. Ted Kennedy, who supported Dodd along with Sen. Russ Feingold, summed things up. "Finally, amnesty would stamp a congressional seal of approval on the Administration�s warrantless spying. If Congress immunizes the telecoms for past violations of the law, it will send the message that Congress approves what the Administration did. We would be aiding and abetting the President in his illegal actions, his contempt for the rule of law, and his attempt to hide his lawbreaking from the American people. Voting for amnesty would be a vote for silence, secrecy, and illegality. There would be no accountability, no justice, no lessons learned."

Unfortunately, Senator, the rest of your classmates seem to be perfectly happy with failing grades.

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