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Leniency For Lindh?

Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2007 12:14 AM

The parents of 'American Taliban' John Walker Lindh made a plea to President Bush - their fourth - to commute their son's 20-year sentence, saying Lindh is being unfairly punished and did nothing wrong.

Lindh's father maintains that his son's only offense was 'serving in the Afghanistan army.'

Um, Frank, do you comprehend the concept of your son serving in the army of a hostile nation state that was essentially a base of operations for al-Qaeda?

That's considered treason, if I'm not mistaken.

Francisco Nava, a Princeton student (majoring in politics) who argued that his conservative views were not accepted on campus, admitted to faking threats and an attack on himself, as well as threats against other students and a conservative professor.

When Nava first reported the threats, other students supported him, saying that a recent incident of anti-gay graffiti drew more attention than a threat against a conservative student.

How about studying some ethics along with the politics, kid?

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