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Another Missed Deadline

Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2007 2:56 AM

It shouldn't be surprising that the White House again refused to comply with a Congressional request for documents pertaining to the NSA wiretapping program. Senator Patrick Leahy says he will pursue contempt charges when they reconvene in September.

Additionally, a letter from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney again repeats the laughable claim that the Vice President's office is separate from that of the President. (The White House website, as of the time Sen. Leahy received the letter, still identifies the Office of the Vice President as being part of the Office of the President.)

A hint for Senator Leahy: Bush and Cheney don't give a shit what you want, or what you think. You're going to have to hold them accountable beyond a press conference and hinting at contempt charges.

It astounds me that Democrats still think there's going to be some kind of bipartisan cooperation coming out of the White House.

Karl Rove has also suggested that he's like the hero Beowulf.

So who was Grendel? And who was Grendel's mother?

Football player Michael Vick is slated to receive a new number, one that identifies him as an inmate rather than a star athlete.

My opinion is that the man should be barred from playing professional sports for the rest of his life. Torturing and murdering animals speaks to a level of cruelty and barbarism that is not worthy of reward or recognition in any form.

After Iran comes Syria, Or so Senator Joe Lieberman suggests, taking time to call out Damascus for sending insurgents into Iraq. (Actually, figures show that over 50 suicide bombers have come from Saudi Arabia, while less than 10 have come from Syria.)

I'm wondering when it will become apparent to people that the Administration is engaged in the justification games of a drunk. It's always someone else's fault, and always Just One More Thing that needs to be 'fixed' to make things perfect.

It should be noted that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is reaching out to both Syria and Iran for help in stabliizing the sectarian conflict that is tearing the country apart. Spin that al-Maliki isn't up to the task of leadership and other nonsense is due in short order.

Oh, yeah. As if Rudy Giulani's 'I'm one of you guys' comedy routine wasn't tragic enough with the revelation that he spent all of 29 hours on site in the three months following 9/11, comes Salon Magazine's determination that "America's Mayor" spent twice as much time attending Yankees' games.

Let's not be so stupid as to elect another president who feels the need to brand himself every month with a new appelation.

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