The Ministry of Shadows

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Bush's Brain Is Gone

Monday, Aug. 13, 2007 7:17 AM

The news this morning is that Karl Rove, the 'genius' behind George W. Bush's rise to power, is resigning. Stepping down. Throwing in the towel at the end of the month.

President Bush and the man that some have snidely called, 'Bush's Brain,' will be holding a press conference later today. Expect the usual praise for his dedication and service and patriotism - I wouldn't at all be surprised to hear Karl spun up as some anti-terrorism hero - but the usual non-answers pertaining to all the things that Karl has done in the 'wrong' column.

So, I've started working new hours - my work day begins at 4:00 AM, and right now, I'm waking up around midnight. You'd think it'd be easy, considering I lean towards nighttime hours, except I'm usually heading to sleep instead of work.

And, of course, there's the impact on the home front, as we're on opposite sides of the clock again.

Still, the universe has been pretty friendly of late, with some other paths and opportunities - that I'd set aside for many years because of work and other detours - popping up on the radar.

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