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Clueless All Around

Saturday, Aug. 11, 2007 1:06 PM

Peace activist Cindy Sheehan has gone and done it. No, not driven off a cliff while singing Kumbaya � she's officially declared her candidacy for the Calfornia's 8th Senate district � the seat held by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Cindy, proving that her brains must have baked out in the Crawford, Texas heat, has decided that the world turns on a single issue: impeaching George W. Bush.

And while I agree that impeachment is a worthy cause, there's more to consider than that. There's all the other day-to-day business conducted in Congress, ranging from healthcare to education. There's the fact that Sheehan would be displacing the first woman Speaker of the House (God forbid that she or any of her followers are clueless enough to believe the Speaker's job comes with the office).

Yet the screwballs on the left are already cheering Sheehan on.

Oh, so now the Democrats are talking about how the White House 'overstated' the lack of intelligence on terrorism, and that the White House lied about the need for more surveillance.

Well, fucking DUH!

Did any of you morons who promptly bent over and chose to surrender more of America's Constitutional integrity to these fascist clowns bother to um ��oh, I don't know, check the facts?

Did it occur to you that the people who overstated and lied about Saddam's any-day-now program of WMDs, the folks who broke the law by initiating the warrantless surveillance program in the first place, and who constantly drum up groundless fears might not be on the level?

And if it was such an inconvenience for Alberto Gonzales to file a request for a warrant within 72 hours of a wiretap, as FISA allowed, do you honestly think he'll manage to do so within 120 days? (The law, incidentally, doesn't require him to file for a warrant any more ��just kind of sort of make a sketchy rea� wait, I can't tell you more than that, it's national security and protected by executive privilege.)

Oh, and nowhere does the law state the wiretaps must be related to terrorism.

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