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The Two Faces of George W. Bush

Wednesday, Jun. 14, 2006 12:21 AM

While I don't expect the president to have a smile on his face all the time, I think the following two images are rather telling.

The Camp David photo shows a President who seems completely overwhelmed and depressed, struggling to comprehend the briefing. (Not that a slouching Dick Cheney looks any better. These guys look like they're sitting in fucking detention.)

The photo from Bush's surprise visit to Baghdad to hobnob with Prime Minister al-Maliki, shows the guy who keeps telling us we're turning the corner.

An interesting contrast, to be certain.

Disgraced FEMA Director Michael Brown's job has revealed an e-mail sent in the midst of the fallout over Hurricane Katrina. An e-mail from an unnamed administration official relates how President Bush was relieved that Brown was taking the heat, and not himself or DHS Director Chertoff.

Certainly, there's no love lost between Brown and Chertoff.

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has determined that no charges will be brought against Karl Rove in the CIA leak case.

Just in time to fix the November election.

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