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So, If She Weighs The Same As a Duck ...

Monday, Sept. 20, 2010 4:08 AM

Bill Maher has brought forward a clip of Christine O'Donnell - the Tea Party-backed Republican candidate for the Senate in Delaware - talking about how she once 'dabbled in witchcraft' and had a 'picnic on a satanic altar,' though she 'never joined a coven.'

O'Donnell promptly cancelled all of her scheduled appearances on Sunday morning news/talk shows. Former Bush advisor Karl Rove is saying that O'Donnell needs to 'explain' her statement.

There are a number of possibilities, the first and most literal being the least likely: Christine O'Donnell practiced witchcraft and participated in Satanic rites.

The second possibility is that Christine O'Donnell was a gullible young woman who, along with her friends, imitated something they saw in the movies and/or read in a book. That doesn't make it witchcraft, and it doesn't make it real. (Readers may recall a case where some teenagers on the East Coast were involved in the murder of one teen's parents, and they described their friends using terms from a popular role-playing game, which resulted in the police and the media trotting out the usual, "What do these games teach our children?" nonsense. But, no, sorry, they weren't really a vampire coterie beholden to their Sire.)

The third possibility is that the memory of whatever O'Donnell participated is being viewed through the lens of her present Christian beliefs. So even the tamest of pagan rituals becomes a full-blown Black Mass with naked adherents having an orgy 'round the altar. She transgressed, but was saved. This is fairly common in evangelical circles. It seems there's always someone who claims they were 'cured' of their homosexuality through prayer, or the teenage girl who has horror stories of her experience with witchcraft, only to be saved by accepting Christ Jesus as her personal savior.

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