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A Town Without Pity?

Monday, Nov. 23, 2009 3:57 AM

Vallejo is in bankruptcy. The school board has put off a decision on closing one of the city's three high schools. There continues to be an emphasis on 'preserving police and fire' services without a necessary re-examination of a ridiculously generous contract (Vallejo's fire chief is paid more than San Francisco's).

And, to top it all off, Mayor Osby Davis thinks gays are going to burn in hell.

In an article in Friday's New York Times, Davis takes the love-the-sinner-hate-the-sin mobile for a spin, as well as trying out a version of the 'Christian nation' meme.

"I don�t know what the fear is about considering Vallejo as a city of God ... (if you believe) that God created heaven and earth and everything that�s in it, and that God is sovereign, then you believe that he is already a part of this community and this is already his city; and so what�s the big deal?� Davis noted.

And if I don't believe in your particular version of God (or believe in God at all), Mayor Davis?

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