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Breaking Bad?

Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2009 4:03 AM

It's been a bad year for BART, starting with the shooting of passenger Oscar Grant by (former) BART Police officer Johannes Mehserle, narrowly avoiding a strike, and now a second confrontation where use-of-force is being questioned.

Over the weekend, a BART Police officer confronted a passenger who was apparently intoxicated, swearing and shouting racial epithets on the train. The officer removed him from the train and briskly walked him to the outer edge of the platform - whereupon the glass window shattered, cutting both men.

Video posted on YouTube shows the incident, but not clearly enough to tell if the passenger was slammed into the window, or if the officer hit it with an outstretched hand. The passenger's aunt says her nephew is bipolar, has had confrontations with the police before, but accuses BART Police of excessive force.

I'm thinking these windows are old and have become brittle. Perhaps BART should check on this?

Back when folks were protesting the shooting of Oscar Grant and the usual punks decided that would be the perfect time to smash windows and set fire to police cars, I wrote that the only thing that kind of nonsense would do was assure a change-of-venue motion.

The trial of Johannes Mehserle has been moved to Los Angeles County.

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