The Ministry of Shadows

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Don't Panic

Monday, Nov. 07, 2011 4:37 AM

On Wednesday, FEMA will be conducting the first-ever nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System - the usual 'if this had been an actual emergency' boilerplate run by local television and radio stations, only nationwide.

So, let me get this straight. It's a frackin' decade after 9/11, we have politicians wailing about various threats from Mexican drug cartels to secret cabals of Muslim insurgents, and we're just now getting around to testing a nationwide capability?

Okay, my usual Grinchiness is in place, and then some.

First, the standard gripe that America can't even celebrate a Day of Thanksgiving before being inundated with sales and Christmas-themed ads, made worse by the fact that we have people camped out in Occupy Wall Street efforts across the country, our unemployment rate is still 9%, but we're busy dreaming about things and stuff to clutter up our minds and lives.

Next, the sad picture of a statuesque tree being felled in Sequoia National Park to serve as the Christmas tree at the California State Capitol; I'd much rather we do something like the tree outside the McLaren Lodge in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park - decorate an existing tree, rather than cut something old and venerable down every year.

Tomorrow is Election Day. As always, if you don't vote, don't complain.

I understand our choices aren't optimal, the system is beholden to those with money, and it's nothing more than delusions plastered over an institution lousy with dry-rot, but not voting isn't an option.

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