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Specter Turns Democrat

Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 3:48 AM

Yesterday, Senator Arlen Specter announced he would run as a Democrat in 2010, citing differences with the direction the GOP is taking.

Assuming Norm Coleman is done filing lawsuits and Gov. Tim Pawlenty has signed the certification to seat Al Franken, Specter would give the Democrats a 61-seat majority in the Senate.

GOP Chair Michael Steele accused Specter of 'flipping the bird' at the Republicans, especially After All They've Done For Him In The Past, and that 'Specter's Mama done taught him better.'

The correct reponse is, "I'm sorry Senator Specter feels that way. The GOP is still the party of conservative values, and if he no longer shares those values, it's best that he no longer caucus with the Republican Party."

And, really - enough with the jive talk. You sound about as convincing as Barbara Billingsley in Airplane, and that was a comedy.

GOP Chair Michael Steele also had this to say about earlier Republican criticism of funding for pandemic preparations.

"We didn't expect swine flu."

Is that like Bush Administration officials who didn't expect flooding in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina? And if you're not prepared for something basic like an influenza outbreak, how the hell can you be claiming GOP policies 'kept us safe'?

Does someone pay this woman to say stupid things?

Yes, it's time for another pearl of wisdom from Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann:

"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president Jimmy Carter. And I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence."

Actually, it happened in February of 1976, which was during the Ford Administration.

Florida apparently has a program where one can design a custom license plate, leading to controversy over two religious-themed plate designs, one featuring a cross, and the other a depiction of Christ on the crucifix.

The objection is that this violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, as the state has to approve designs.

A similar program in South Carolina is under injunction as the court hears arguments on its constitutionality.

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