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Chronicle of Doom?

Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009 3:53 AM

President Obama's address before Congress was fairly straightforward - repeating some basic facts about the economic crisis as well as promises for accountability. His speech also laid out plans for energy and health care policy, and touched upon the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as another place where accountability - from budget to policy - needs to be enforced.

On the other hand, the Republican response was offered by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who offered the same, tired lines about Democrats taxing you and passing the bill onto your kids, and 'big government.' Jindal criticized the Stimulus Bill for including money for a Disneyland-to-Vegas high-speed rail project (it doesn't), and seems to be confused about who was in charge when Hurricane Katrina rolled through the state.

There are rumors that the San Francisco Chronicle is in such deep financial doo-doo that it could fold.

Face with over $50 million in losses for 2008, the paper's parent company, Hearst Corporation, is looking to balance the books through significant cuts in both union and non-union positions.

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