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So As Not To Offend ...?

Monday, Jan. 19, 2009 3:58 AM

Several blogs are reporting that HBO blacked out Bishop Gene Robinson's invocation at yesterday's pre-inaugural festivities, as well as the introduction of the Washington, D.C. Gay Men's Chorus.

I'd like to know why. (Though I have a feeling we're going to hear some lame excuse about a junior technician and vague instructions, but of course it's never been HBO's policy to discriminate, blahblahblahBLAHblah.)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is still missing the point. She's voiced the opinion that Congress needs to investigate the politicization of the Justice Department under the Bush Administration, because we can't just blithely 'look forward' and ignore the past.

Someone better warn Alberto Gonzales, Kyle Sampson, Monica Goodling, and John Yoo that they're about to be scapegoated to preserve George W. Bush's legacy and make it look like the Democrats are Doing Something About Bush.

Y'know, Nancy ... Dick Cheney is a better shot.

And a horribly embarrassing moment for KPIX this morning as a promo for the morning news had the banner for one story over the video for another.

The banner was for a shooting on Highway 101 in Brisbane, and read "Overnight Freeway Shooting."

The video was of the Obamas walking down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Another ironic coda to the Bush Legacy.

Shortly after he crowed about transforming Afghanistan into a place where young girls can go to school, it turns out that the Taliban, which is returning to power in some parts of the country, has forbidden young girls the benefit of public education.

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