The Ministry of Shadows

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Guitar Hero Ad Threatens America?

Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2008 3:55 AM

A series of ads promoting Activision's Guitar Hero: World Tour features celebrities parodying Tom Cruise's air guitar routine from the film, "Risky Business."

But the one that drew fire from 'Culture Warrior' Bill O'Reilly was the version featuring a scantily-clad Heidi Klum. Because ... um ... well ... supermodels playing video games in lingerie are a threat to ... ah ... you know ... something.

In fact, Bill-O found the ad so offensive, he aired it twice during his program. Just so you could get a good look at Heidi's G-string. (Or red button, since it's Guitar Hero.)

What is it about George W. Bush that says, 'idiot'?

Contrast President-Elect Barack Obama's news conference, where he introduced key members of his economic team, to President Bush's comments as he emerged from a meeting with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.

Their messages aren't that different - we're facing a serious economic crisis, it's not going to be fixed overnight, we need to work to restore confidence in the markets, and so on.

But Obama comes off as a polished leader, and Bush looks distracted and clueless. Even Reagan, in the early stages of Alzheimer's, looked and sounded more competent than Bush.

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