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Get Lost!

Monday, Jul. 14, 2008 2:45 AM

Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Pakistan's Foreign Minister told the AP that U.S. forces will not be allowed into the country to search for Osama bin Laden, saying that his government has enough troops and ceding authority to America raises questions of sovereignity.

So, let's get this straight - first, we prop up a military dictator, then try to supplant him with a former prime minister who fled under questions of corruption. In between, we routinely blame Pakistan for not doing enough to fight terrorism, and they decide they've had enough of being our whipping boy. Is anyone surprised?

All together now, "I don't think anyone knew ..."

Apparently, there's a group of Hillary cultists that want to raise a stink at the Democratic National Convention, complaining that their voices aren't being heard, repeating the 'Hillary won the popular vote' argument, and so on.

Told you so. In the absence of Hillary saying something like, "Thank you for your dedication, but Senator Obama has the nomination, and it's time for us to come together and give our support to him," she's still campaigning.

Artist Barry Blitt is drawing criticism for his latest cover on the New Yorker magazine, which depicts Barack Obama dressed in traditional Muslim garb, giving a 'terrorist fist jab' to wife Michelle, who is dressed in military garb and toting an assault rifle.

The Obama campaign is calling the cover 'tasteless and offensive.'

Blitt has aimed his pen at other political figures as well. It's called satire. (Admittedly, it would have been nice if the article had spoken of the idiotic fear-mongering about the Illinois senator, but come on - if he's not already fodder for the political cartoonists in this country, he will be.)

Rocky Aoki, the creator of the Benihana restaurant chain, died of pneumonia on Thursday. He was 69.

(Rocky's daughter, Devon, has appeared in the movies Sin City and War.)

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