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Heckuva Investigation

Thursday, Feb. 08, 2007 4:56 AM

The investigating officer looking at claims of abuse at Guantanamo Bay completed his report, interviewing 20 'suspects and witnesses'.

Colonel Richard Bassett has found the allegations to be without merit, counter to the claims of Marine Sergeant Heather Cerveny, who reported a conversation with five men who identified themselves as guards and recounted hitting prisoners, describing it as a common practice.

The curious thing is, Colonel Bassett did not interview any detainees.

Now, one can assume that if a detainee was asked about abuse, they might be inclined to claim all sorts of horrible things. But if we assume they are lying, and the soldiers telling the truth, why brag about something you didn't do, and which would likely get your ass investigated?

Bassett's investigation also included a second charge from a civilian employee who described a conversation between a female guard and a male interrogator. The finding recommended, and the supervising admiral has ordered a 'letter of counseling' to the guard for describing a 'fictitious event'.

Don't normal people brag about the size of the fish they caught, or their sex lives? Why on Earth do we have people making shit up about beating the crap out of detainees?

It should be noted that Sergeant Cerveny is a member of a legal team representing a detainee, which makes the idea of loose talk or made-up stories even more odd.

I never thought FOX News Channel would have a hole blown in its boat by its own founder.

In comments made last week, News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch admitted that his media properties had 'supported the Bush agenda.' Which, if it's on the editorial page, isn't a big deal.

The implication is that stories were reported from a subjective, not objective view. Which means 'fair and balanced' isn't worth a thin dime.

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