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Vision Problems

Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2006 12:50 PM

Not surprisingly, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad used his time before the United Nations to denounce the United States and Britain, accusing them of using the UN Security Council for their own ends.

Ahmedinejad repeated the claim that his country's nuclear activities were peaceful, and implied that they were in compliance with the IAEA.

Addressing Egypt's National Democratic Party on Tuesday, the son of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had a few choice words about American foreign policy.

"We reject these foreign ambitions to erase Arab identity in the framework of what they call the Greater Middle East Initiative," Gamal Mubarak said. (The New York Times' translation is different, citing Mubarak's words as, "We do not accept visions from abroad that try to dissolve the Arab identity and the joint Arab efforts within the framework of the so-called Greater Middle East Initiative.")

The younger Mubarak also called for Egypt to develop nuclear power, drawing applause from the group. Egypt is the recipient of roughly $2 billion a year in military and development aid from the United States.

With no strong opposition in place, Mubarak is expected to succeed his father at the end of the elder Mubarak's current term in 2010.

And suddenly, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki isn't the Man of the Hour. Both Iraqi and American officials are questioning whether Iraq's Prime Minister has the political power to keep Iraq together as it, 'hovers on the edge of a full civil war.'

Because, apparently, it's al-Maliki's fault that he hasn't bitchslapped fundamentalist Shiite leaders into dancing the Texas Two-Step. And suddenly, the absence of security and basic services like electricity are because al-Maliki hasn't done enough.

Of course, the solution is for al-Maliki to take on the religious militias.

Which would quite likely shatter the government and fulfill the remaining qualifications for a full-blown civil war.

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