The Ministry of Shadows

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An Afternoon With Dad

Sunday, Oct. 02, 2005 8:58 PM

Part of what has been difficult for me was the anticipation of this afternoon. I'd agreed to visit and watch Dad while Mom went out with my older sister, and while my younger sister was being a sports mom.

But, as often is the case, the real thing is never quite as bad as our fears can make it out to be.

I'm not saying that my father's condition isn't degrading, as I mentioned previously; but neither is he sitting there gibbering and drooling.

He knows who I am. He remembers my wife's name. He remembers his birthday.

But there are still the memory lapses. Though he knows his birthday, he states his age as at least a year older. He asked where my wife was several times.

He wanted to go for a walk, which I had to dissuade him from. And there were a couple of odd responses - he asked where Mom was after she'd left, and when told she had gone out, he was upset, asking why she hadn't invited him to come along. He also asked me if I'd seen my uncle, and whether or not he was cooking dinner.

He wanders between the upstairs and downstairs floors. Later in the afternoon, he got really quiet again and had that faraway look in his eyes - as if he's trying to place a memory or a thought.

So, while it wasn't as bad as I had feared, he is definitely worse off than before.

I expect that will sneak up on me later in the week.

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