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Passing Bills and Passing The Buck

Friday, Mar. 26, 2010 3:53 AM

So the GOP tried to drag the Senate version of the healthcare bill down with amendments and failed.

Then the GOP filed an objection that the healthcare bill violated budget provisions, and it went back to the House. The provisions were corrected, the bill voted on again, and returned to the Senate.

President Obama is expected to sign the revised bill next week.

The Catholic Church is again faced with the scandal that just won't go away - child molestation by priests. Only this time, the charges take aim at former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), who allegedly directed canonical authorities to look the other way in the case of a priest/pedophile. A priest who went on to molest another child.

So the question is, did then-Cardinal Ratzinger show trust and mercy that was not deserved, or did he knowingly aid and abet a sexual predator?

One of the Catholic Church's arguments, which I find wholly disingenuous, is that abuse/molestation happens everywhere, not just with priests and/or within the church.

Oh? And how many of these instances have the infrastructure of a major religion covering up the dirty deeds and, in fact, enabling the offender to continue their behaviors?

This is not a single case - it is repeated violations with multiple perpetrators, all enjoying the same kind of turn-a-blind-eye/pastoral shuffle cover-up. It is an institutional failing as well as an individual one, and the Catholic Church must now face the consequences of their own dishonesty.

Or so I was taught during my Catholic (molestation-free, thankfully) education.

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