The Ministry of Shadows

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Something's Missing

Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009 10:54 AM

An important lesson about 'reality television' is to be found in the saga of the dysfunctional couple du jour, Jon and Kate Gosselin, stars of 'Jon & Kate Plus 8.' (Bindyree's take on the program is here.)

It turns out that not only are they getting divorced, they apparently haven't lived together for two years.

In other words, the whole premise of the show is bullshit. There's no 'young couple coping with the pressures of raising a family.'

So the producers either didn't do their homework or knowingly fronted a lie. I wonder how the network and the program's sponsors feel about this?

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford dropped off the radar for over four days last week, turning off his cell phone, ditching his security detail, and leaving his wife and children behind.

His excuse? He went for a hike in the Appalachians.

Or not. Sanford's car was tracked to an airport in Atlanta, Sanford was seen boarding a plane, and now his story is that he wanted to do something exotic and unusual, like go for a drive along the coast of Argentina.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-06-25 01:49:01
The Gov better not hope that any of the tabloids cross check vacation days of any local Hooters waitresses. :-P