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Don't Know Much

Thursday, Apr. 02, 2009 4:04 AM

Aspiring small business owner unapologetic shill for conservative talking points Samuel 'Joe the Plumber' Wurzelbacher was in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania the other day, speaking out against the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).

Only 'Joe' got pwned when confronted with questions on the actual legislation, as well as heckled by union workers, finally admitting, "I never said I was an expert, man."

The media is busy pushing the 'Obama's First Big Test' meme, noting that China wants this, Russia wants that, France's President Sarkozy threw a hissy fit, and so on.

You really think a guy who hasn't been derailed by all the bloviating by the usual suspects is going to suddenly collapse when dealing with the international community?

I don't.

And, ignoring what they were just saying, now North Korea's planned launch of a satellite is 'Obama being tested.'

That's as may be, but let's not forget 2001 and George W. Bush's first diplomatic test, where he yanked the rug out from under then-Secretary of State Colin Powell by acting like a petulant little boy.

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