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Queen of Low Expectations

Friday, Oct. 03, 2008 3:57 AM

Former senator and presidential hopeful Fred Thompson tried to stand in Sarah Palin's defense regarding her inability to name a Supreme Court ruling with which she disagreed.

He said that it was doubtful she'd seen a list ...

Prior to last night's debate, the McCain Campaign continued to lower the bar on Palin's performance, saying she didn't have to answer every question.

And McCain himself flip-flopped on the choice of Gwen Ifill as moderator, saying she was a good choice (whilst campaign spokeswoman Nancy Pfotenhauer cast aspersions on Ifill's objectivity), then later stating that he wished they'd picked someone else.

We know, of course, that Sarah Palin is representative of hockey moms and Joe Sixpack, because the average American has three homes and makes $250,000 a year. Plus a plane from which to go hunting.

Palin's performance in the debate was acceptable, absent of the rambling, confused answers she has given in prior interviews. Nonetheless, she had some moments that should give voters pause.

- "I've joined a team of mavericks." No. Such. Thing.

- Tried to sell McCain's excuse that he was talking about 'American workers' when he said the fundamentals of our economy are strong.

- Blamed the economic crisis on Wall Street and greed, but then emphasized that 'we' need to live within our means, an ironic statement when taxpayers are being saddled with a $700 billion price tag.

- Called Obama's approach to Iraq a 'white flag of surrender.' The alternative, apparently, is to continue George W. Bush's strategy of sitting on a shit pile and waiting for it to turn into gold.

On the other hand, Biden played a very reserved game, focusing his criticism on John McCain, and not hammering Palin for her canned statements.

The House is currently debating the economic sauve qui peut bill, and the Dow Jones is up 100 points.

I'm curious - there's a pro-Proposition 8 ad airing in the Bay Area, featuring one Richard Peterson from Pepperdine University, waxing poetic about how gay marriage will do everything from flooding the courts with discrimination suits, endangering the tax-exempt status of churches, and causing 'gay marriage to be taught in schools.'

Apart from the collection of half-truths and fear-mongering, there's the fact that he identifies himself as a Pepperdine University faculty member. And, from the Pepperdine University website, there's the following disclaimer:

Under the Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1971 the University is prohibited from engaging in activities which promote or advance a political candidate, political party, proposition, or PAC.

While it could be argued that Professor Peterson is acting as an individual, then he shouldn't be identifying himself as part of the Pepperdine faculty, but simply 'law professor.'

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