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No Majority Leadership For You!

Tuesday, May. 13, 2008 3:56 AM

Somewhere in the last couple of days, the Clinton campaign's debt has increased from $11 million to $20 million.

Anyone who still thinks having this woman anywhere near the country's economic policy is a good idea, raise their hand.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is discounting a suggestion that Hillary Clinton might get that job in an Obama Administration.

Beyond the fact that it's the party members within the Senate that choose the majority leader, and not the president, this is little more than 'Hillary should get the VP slot' nonsense, rewarding her with a position of importance that she has not earned. (While I appreciate the value of opposing views, I'd think long and hard before putting a political opponent in a spot where they can put the screws to me.)

Regarding the 'Hamas supports Obama' meme that Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman, and others are shopping about, it's important to remember that Hamas holds the majority in their government, the result of a free and fair election.

It's only the pinheads in the Bush Administration who got blindsided and then offered their usual excuse of, "I don't think anyone knew ..." - then followed up with threats to cut off funding and support to the government as a whole.

So the problem consists of the duly-elected representatives of a foreign government being stonewalled, even though the U.S. continues to mouth platitudes about the importance of elections.

Hillary is projected to win the West Virginia primary. I can hear her victory speech now - Obama outspent her two-to-one, and won't you please contribute?

Ickpfbbbbbbbbt. Ack.

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