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Keep Your (Carbon) Footprints Out Of My Lunch

Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2008 4:22 AM

I'm not sure which will be more nauseating - having to listen to Hillary Rodham Clinton's bullshit for several more weeks, or listening to the political hackery of various experts as to What It All Means.

For example, the 'Obama has trouble winning the big states' meme, which ignores the fact that he's in the lead even without them, and that the November election is an entirely separate statistical event.

Or more Patented Hillary Bullshit, as she assures voters that 'the tide is turning' and 'she won't quit.' After eight years of an administration constantly telling us 'we've turned a corner,' and 'we won't quit,' in Iraq, it'd be nice to see leadership that's based in reality instead of personal desires.

Speaking of being based in reality, President Bush insists the economy is just in a slowdown, and that we haven't really seen first-quarter results. (We have, however, seen four airlines declare bankruptcy, with United Airlines declaring a first-quater loss; we've also seen financials including Citibank post losses.)

This comes at the same time that a new poll shows Bush's disapproval rating at 69%, a new record high (or low, depending on your viewpoint).

Okay, Earth Day is getting to be an exercise in stupidity, as the food service vendor at the University of San Francisco altered their menus to have a lower carbon footprint - that is, foods that require less carbon output to harvest and or prepare. So, we have veggies and turkey burgers, but not hamburgers, cheese, or rice.

Isn't it a bit much when your dietary choices are being dictated by this carbon footprint obsession?

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