The Ministry of Shadows

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Inevitably Dishonest?

Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007 11:11 AM

You'd think that after the White House had gotten caught with a fake reporter asking planted/softball questions at press conferences, that the lesson is simple enough.

Don't do that.

Apparently, Hillary flunked that lesson.

Now, perhaps it's a bit naive, but I'm not looking for the candidate who told the fewest lies. If you can't be honest in your campaign - and spare me the 'we only did it this once' excuse-fest - you have no business leading the country.

'Inevitable Hillary' my ass.

It's Veteran's Day weekend.

Take a moment to reflect on the liberties that our soldiers have fought for in wars past.

And then think about where this country's leadership and our elected representatives are steering the boat, and ask if carving out an exception for torturing prisoners of war (and why that 'illegal enemy combatant' label was insisted upon) is what we should be doing in fighting this new conflict.

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