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Can't See The Progress For The Trees?

Thursday, Aug. 30, 2007 12:45 AM

Making a token patriarchal blessing of the ruins of the Ninth Ward, President Bush tried to sell his Administration's catastrophic incompetence by offering this advice:

"It's sometimes hard for people to see progress when you live in a community all the time. Laura and I get to come -- we don't live here, we come on occasion. And it's easy to think about what it was like when we first came here after the hurricane, and what it's like today."

Yes, it's awfully hard to judge progress when you're still living in a contaminated trailer and being shafted by the insurance companies. But that's okay, George and Laura will swing by every few months, and gosh - that's progress!

And maybe that's the real source of the six-more-months idiocy that continues to be the company song. If we just close our eyes and wish real hard, why, it has to be better six months from now. We'll have to have made progress, right?

The Washington Post is reporting that the draft of a 'strikingly negative' report from the Government Accounting Office on Iraq has been leaked, most likely to pre-empt what is expected to be a highly-spun and sanitized version from "General Petraeus" in two weeks.

What's really striking is that the GAO keeps handing in reports about failures and corruption, and Congress isn't doing a thing, just bobbing their heads as the White House tells 'em we're making progress.

The next 'Friedman unit' is being primed. Remember, we were told we needed to wait until September to see if the surge was working. Now, we're being told the surge has really only been in place for about seventy-five days and that we really need to stick with things to see if it works.

Okay, so we know Mr. Bush has trouble with anything more complicated than My Pet Goat.

"Laura and I care a lot about libraries. That's why we're dedicating books," he assured the crowd yesterday.

Donating, perhaps? It's frightening to think he has a prepared speech and the words can't even make it from the page to his mouth.

(Yes, I know we all have moments where we screw up the simplest of words, but this guy couldn't remember 'hurricane,' and seemingly had trouble with 'mud.')

"We've got to start making sure those youngsters can read at grade level and stay reading at grade level," Bush noted.

Actually, I would very much like for them to read above grade level. And the sentence would have benefitted from 'their,' as in 'their grade level.'

And it will be so nice that our kids can read, but won't have health insurance.

Thanks, George.

Al Jazeera is reporting that Hezbollah has a video game, hoping to capture young hearts and minds. In it, you get to shoot Israelis and do all that Hezbollah shit.

Can't wait to hear the conservative radio types tear into this one ... of course, they were right on top of things when the Left Behind video game came out, and, well, you couldn't convert Muslims, so you had to shoot them ...

Hey, maybe we can export Jack Thompson to Lebanon ...

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