The Ministry of Shadows

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No Surprises Here

Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2005 12:23 AM

Like we couldn't see this coming. In the wake of the 'secret wiretaps' brouhaha in Washington, defense lawyers for terrorist suspects are poised to file suit over their illegal nature if they were, in fact, used as evidence against their clients.

It's easy to dismiss this as, 'yeah, sure, they gotta try something,' but the point is that President Bush's shortcut - regardless of where the authority is derived from - may have serious implications.

(Not wanting to miss out on the fun, attorneys for Jose Padilla, who has been held as an 'enemy combatant' for over three years, claim the government's actions in their client's case, "... highlight the danger of an unchecked Executive Branch," and are asking the Supreme Court to step in.)

And Macy's is in the doghouse for running an ad for their post-Christmas sale that features a countdown clock showing 363 Days Left Until Christmas.

Given the disgusting trend of trotting out Christmas decorations even before children have rung my doorbell in search of Halloween goodies, this is not funny at all.

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