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Cult of Stupid

Monday, Oct. 10, 2011 4:19 AM

Rick Perry supporter Pastor Robert Jeffress went on the record to dispute Mitt Romney's Mormon faith as 'not being Christian' and a 'cult.'

Other candidates tap-danced around Jeffress' pronouncement, laughable on a weekend that saw aspirants like Rick Santorum pandering to the Values Voter Summit.

You're all a bunch of star-bellied sneeches.

Republican candidate Herman Cain is also decrying the Occupy Wall Street protesters as lazy bastards who should get jobs and quit whining, that it's the White House's fault there are no jobs.

Funny, I thought it was the Republicans, led by Rep. Eric Cantor, who were refusing to even bring President Obama's jobs bill to the floor. That corporations continue to downsize and outsource jobs even with Bush-era tax cuts in place.

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