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Stupidity Is On The March

Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2011 4:28 AM

A South Carolina woman is facing charges of animal cruelty after hanging her nephew's 1 year-old pit bull and burning the body.

The dog had chewed on the woman's bible. The woman explained to police it was a 'devil dog' and needed to be destroyed.

Rep. Michelle Bachmann, making a speech ahead of President Obama's State of the Union, attested that the founding fathers fought slavery tirelessly until it was repealed.

Slavery was abolished nearly 100 years after the founding of our country. Thus, all of our founding were dead.

This is the woman holding classes on the Constitution for freshmen members of Congress ...

There's a reason certain politicians and media figures spout violent and incendiary rhetoric.

Because it works. It short-circuits reasoning and gets people to fear or be angry about something.

I have friends who have bought into the whole 'Tea Party' sham, and they fervently insist that Obama is a socialist and a tyrant. Facts don't matter.

But it isn't the removal of President Obama, nor a return to power for conservatives that will bring about the end of such nonsense. The rhetoric will stop when people stop listening, and when they choose to think instead of fear.

Fear makes you stupid.

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