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Rush's Racism

Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 3:17 AM

Rush Limbaugh is a racist.

Wednesday, on his syndicated radio program, Limbaugh mocked Chinese President Hu Jintao and spoken Chinese by using sing-song gibberish - the kind of behavior you'd expect from a 7 year-old child.

This is not comedy. It's RACISM. It's an insult not only to a visiting foreign dignitary, but to Asian-Americans such as Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, and San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee.

So, on one hand, we have the president of a foreign nation, plus a physicist, a former governor, and two local politicians who have worked hard in their respective communities ...

... and a self-important ass with a microphone.

It wasn't funny when I was on the receiving end of this kind of insult as a child. It wasn't funny when Rosie O'Donnell did it. It's still not funny.

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