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Hate Leads To Suffering

Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011 4:17 AM

It comes as no surprise that the parade of denial continues in the wake of the Arizona shooting this past weekend, with FOX News 'entertainer' Glenn Beck opining that Sarah Palin might want to hire security.

But ... but ... if there's nothing wrong with your hateful rhetoric, why would you be in danger, either of you? It's just words, right? Perfectly fine to talk of voting by way of the 2nd Amendment, right?

Rush Limbaugh has accused the Democrats of using the tragedy for profit. Never mind that a nine year-old girl was killed in the shooting. Or a federal judge. Other victims include a church leader, and people who did nothing but seek to participate in our democratic system.

Yet to consider the role of violent rhetoric in our civil discourse is unacceptable to Limbaugh?

Even more laughable is conservative radio host Tammy Bruce suggesting that Sarah Palin's 'crosshair' map did not depict the crosshairs of a gun, but were surveyor's marks.

Because we always put surveyor's marks on people's heads.

Over at Crooks & Liars, author David Niewert documents the string of 'lone wolf' crazies that march in tune with extreme and hateful rhetoric from the right.

That list is getting longer. We are ill-served by pretending that hate speech masquerading as opinion and/or political discourse is harmless.

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