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These Are The People You Want To Work With?

Monday, Jan. 03, 2011 8:21 AM

"You've been down that road, Neo. You know exactly where it leads. And I know that's not where you want to be."
-- Trinity, 'The Matrix'

The GOP has made clear that they will seek to repeal President Obama's health care reform legislation, saying the things need to be started over.

Which makes no sense. The GOP was part of the process, catered to repeatedly by the Obama Administration in order to win votes, and they still didn't manage to get what they wanted?

California's Rep. Darryl Issa has also announced that he will be seeking to investigate the Obama Administration, which he describes as 'the most corrupt administration in history.'

Issa claims Obama has magically made money approved by Congress go to places that Congress did not approve of.

And the GOP will be playing more chicken with a vote on the debt ceiling, pretending that a vote against raising it proves how serious they are about the deficit.

If President Obama wants to raise it, Sen. Lindsay Graham says it should be done through implementing means testing on Social Security and strict budget cuts.

So, how is it that the wealthiest 2% of Americans deserve a tax cut, while the rest of us get to watch a part of our retirement get kicked in the nuts? Does anyone believe that, once means testing is implemented, that the GOP won't be there denouncing what's left as an 'entitlement' and a 'handout' that should be discontinued altogether?

These are the people who don't even understand the role of unemployment benefits. No one is getting rich off of a less-than minimum wage stipend; it's intended to keep Americans looking for work from displacing those just entering the job market.

Economic austerity means acknowledging the role of the GOP in spending money like a band of drunken sailors throughout the Bush Administration. It means regulation, not the free-for-all money trough that corporations walked off with via TARP.

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