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Get Out And Vote

Monday, Oct. 25, 2010 7:32 AM

I'm thrilled that the Giants are in the World Series, but Election Day is a week away.

As always, it comes down to this: vote, or shut the fuck up.

But this year, with the 'Tea Party' nonsense, featuring an astounding number of clueless and bizarre candidates, your choice is far more important.

No one is saying the system is perfect, but you don't fix corruption by electing the breathlessly stupid or a bunch of business executives who took home millions while sending jobs overseas. You can't outsource America to economic primacy.

It's probably not a good idea to pick a candidate based on the Tweets of someone who didn't even complete her term as Governor of Alaska, and who can't spell the word, 'you.' (High school dropouts and former shock jocks are probably bad choices for advice, as well.)

If you think the 'mainstream media' is biased, then do your homework and think for yourself. Garbage in, garbage out.

The founding fathers put the separation of church and state into the Constitution. Get over it.

Not happy with the Democrats or the Republicans? I'm fine if you're sick of the 'lesser of two evils' paradox. Look for candidates who are intelligent and responsible, not some populist crackpot who can't tell Socialism from Shari'a Law.

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