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Go, Timmy!

Friday, Oct. 08, 2010 3:40 AM

North Korea's less-than-stable leader, Kim Jong-Il, will be succeeded by his youngest son, General Kim Jong-Un. (Who, hopefully, is a tad saner than his daddy.)

Roy Halladay may have gotten a no-hitter in his first playoff game between the Phillies and the Reds, but the Giants' Tim Lincecum delivered his own powerful performance, a 14-strikeout, 2-hit shutout against the Atlanta Braves.

I am not a baseball expert, but I figure Barry Zito's fate was sealed not so much by his underwhelming performance last Saturday against the San Diego Padres, but by his deer-in-the-headlights post-game interview where he took the 'it doesn't just come down to one game' excuse for a drive.

Um, yeah, when you're tied for the division lead and it's the last couple of games, it does come down to one game, Barry. Sheesh.

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