The Ministry of Shadows

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What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
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Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
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Grow Up!

Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2010 4:16 AM

Wannabe jihadist Fail Faisal Shahzad is due in court for sentencing on terrorism charges from his attempted bombing of Times Square in May.

But it just wouldn't be terrorizing enough unless the FBI trotted out a video showing exactly how devastating Shahzad's explosive rig could have been had it gone off. Cue explosion, flames, smoking debris.

Why, just imagine what this could have done in Times Square!

In other words: BE AFRAID.

When your child is frightened of monsters lurking under the bed, you don't plunk them down in front of a video on vivisection. You reassure them that the monsters can't hurt them, that you're there to protect them.

If our appointed leaders and guardians are afraid, the public will remain afraid, and the terrorists have the power they seek - the power to make America quiver when they say, "Boo!"

It's time to grow up.

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