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Here's To The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss

Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010 4:02 AM

Vice-President Joe Biden has words for the Democratic base (i.e., voters):

"Quit your whining."

Shorter version: SHUT THE FUCK UP.

This is apparently in response to the disenchantment being felt among Democratic voters that not enough has been done to evoke the promise Change and Hope.

- Gitmo is still open.
- While torture has been soft-pedaled through an executive order, it has not been made manifestly clear - by way of prosecution of prior office holders and their legal enablers - that this policy is unacceptable at any time.
- DADT is still on the books.
- We're STILL in Iraq.
- We're STILL in Afghanistan.
- We got promised a robust public option, then had that sold off at the first opportunity by the Democratic leadership.
- 60 is more than 40, but the Democratic leadership 'doesn't have the votes.' Ever.
- And, as pointed out yesterday, we're still emulating Bush Administration wiretaps and deeply-flawed security policy.

But Biden wants us to STFU, because it would be oh-so-worse if the Republicans were in charge.

They're not. And it's the exact same kind of fear-mongering Republicans employ to say, "Be thankful it's not the other guys."

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