The Ministry of Shadows

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Spill Swill

Thursday, Jul. 15, 2010 3:53 AM

When your entire operation is based on having ignored safe drilling procedures and playing catch-up, it's not really a surprise that BP's cap-replacement operation hit a snag. Or that they're continuing to hedge their bets, even for the relief well that is slated to be completed in mid-August.

So Paul, the 'psychic' octopus that successfully picked winners in the World Cup, could be worth millions, according to some.

And I hear there's a horse that taps its hoof to answer math problems, too. Come on, people. It's a fifty-fifty chance, and we're talking a novelty at best.

Next up, the face of Christ in the oil slick! Worth billions!

Unapologetic war criminal former Vice President Dick Cheney underwent heart surgery to have an assistive device implanted - a miniature pump to keep the ol' ticker going.

Nice to know millions can't afford healthcare, but for a thug like Cheney? Nothing but the best!

And a thumbs-up to the Improv Everywhere group for their rendition of Star Wars on the New York Subway.

Improv Everywhere is not affiliated with the 501st Legion.

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